Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Sophomore Slump

It's pretty hard to top Genesis 1:1-3 for an opening act, so I have pretty much embraced the sophomore slump. I can't keep quoting the Bible for a blog, or else it will end up being The Bible Richie Oliver Version, which would basically be me retyping the King James Version on the Internet. *cue people foaming at the mouth about the choice of Bible I decided to quote* Is it still in italics if it's just "Bible" and not The Bible?

People ask me: "What's your theme? What's the blog's angle?" I don't know. It's not about classics or sports or the quilted, quicker picker-upper, specifically. It could be, but that is not my focus. I actually discovered a guy who blogs about wisteria. Keep doing the damn thing, dude. If I'm off-base and your blog isn't about wisteria, forgive me. It's the sophomore slump. This blog has no angle.

Letters will form words, words will form sentences, sentences will form paragraphs, and paragraphs will form a story.That is what it's about. Life is enough to write about, and it is enough to write about life. Plus, this is more environmentally friendly and leaves no embarrassing paper trail when I am middle-aged. I think. I have no idea. I am most likely wrong. At least that's what I was voted in high school: "Most Likely to Be Wrong." It was cruel how vague the title was, but then again it was also cruel to find out what a tossed salad was from my librarian. CRUEL! But those are tax dollars, you know?

Today, you learned about wisteria. So did I.

Jon Voight looked like this in 1988!

This has been a sophomore slump.

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