Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dour Diatribes Dumped From My Dome

One negative side to any sort of long-running personal canvas of any kind is that it is often subject (and prisoner) to the restless boredom of its creator. Manifestos of mirth and bulletins of bullshit abound within an author's aggravatingly asinine attempts at alliteration (how's that for self-realization?), and the unfortunate blog/journal/diary/blank sketchbook you picked up off the Barnes and Noble shelf is inevitably forced to be the mute soap box for, as the nascent saying goes: "Nothing of any real worth!"

While I am fairly sure that the following is an example of my disquietude and also desire to beef up a blog that has recently crawled from the primordial ooze, I am not so sure that my brief selection is all that worthless.
Really, I just wanted to speak briefly on alliteration, because if nothing else, I think it's a source of entertainment and gives writers a chance to essentially construct a written house of cards: impressive if executed with the proper caution yet a recipe for disaster if improperly pursued. Plus, using alliteration can basically make you look like the biggest asshole in the world if you can do it. Hey, this is secondhand smug.

Consider this.

While pondering a proper pursuit for publishing, I put presently the possibility of prompting persons of parts unknown to pontificate the peculiar pursuit of perennial proverbs. Which is, like, totally, basically saying that I was thinkin' about tellin' ya'll about words that repeat. Whatever. Or, if you like, a word smith waxing with wonderful windy words from a well-intentioned wellspring. You get it. This was inspired by a conversation I had earlier with a converted reader.

Apparently, there is a readership? I wonder if this blog has more readers than, say, Leon
Czolgosz's blog. I bet his has some crazy shit, you know? Dude is crazyyy. Anyway. Thanks for reading and the kind words and compliments.


wishingtilwinter: i just started my period :-(
wishingtilwinter: WOAH
wishingtilwinter: WRONG IM
wishingtilwinter: SOOOORRRRYYYYYY

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